Monday, April 11, 2016

Still Got Your Old Video Games and Electronics?

My super mint condition DBZ Tenkaichi 3 for PS2

Still got some of your old PS2 games stored securely somewhere in your basement or storage closet? If they're in mint or very good conditions, you might wanna take a quick look at their value on EBay or Amazon, like right now! It could be worth a little fortune, or not. 

Since I don't like to throw stuff away, I was scouting the net to see how much my junk are worth. I was thinking to

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Arrow: Eleven Fifty Nine - Did Laura Really Die?

Got to admit that I only started watching Arrow back in 2015. After a positive experience of Netflix binge watching, I gave a try to The Flash when it was announced. Oh boy, there is no doubt that Arrow and The Flash are the best Comics Inspired TV shows, period. Arrow has consistently delivered high octaned seasons while The Flash's second season is, by my humble opinion, even better than the first. Mind you, "Enter Zoom" and "Whatever-episode-Deathstroke-appeared-in-Arrow"   are sitting at the top of my all time favorite episodes. Also, what makes them great is the fact that anyone who is not deeply familiar with American comics (DC/Marvel) universes can enjoy them.

Ahem...I'm getting carried away. Tonight's ending of Arrow was so

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Finale - Who Got Hit?

I think that this season finale actually saved the show. Has Rick finally met his match? Is Daryl Dead? Was it Glenn?
Negan's explosive entrance caused our protagonist group to for the first time feel helplessness. The title should have been "despair" or some. Negan and his saviors will hopefully give a kick to season 7. I was starting to feel bored since nothing major really occurred in this season.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Best PDF Compressor - Size It Down

As part of my semi-cloud migration, I decided to upload some of my PDF eBooks into my Google Books library. Unfortunately, it wasn't letting me upload one of them due to the 100 MB file size limit. It so happened that particular eBook definitely needed to make it to the cloud. It's like moving to the other side of town but you can't fit your 60" 4K TV in the trunk. See the dilemma?
How do you describe that feeling after you finally find a solution to a problem that bugged you like forever? Well, I'm not verbose, but let's just say that I'm delighted. I was able to compress a 120 MB PDF file (composed of +400 pages of picture scans, hence the large size) down to a third of its size  using Foxit Reader. And the best part is that the quality is still decent and the software was at my finger tips for years.

Want to reduce your PDFeBook, documents, and whatnotfiles? Follow the steps below: